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Children and young people categories

Neglect matters

A guide for young people that tells you what neglect is, how to recognise it, who can help and what you can do about it.

Neglect matters (PDF)

Size: 2.99 MB

Advice and information numbers for Swindon

List of telephone numbers for Domestic Abuse support, including emergency contact details for agencies and their websites. Updated December 2020.

Private Fostering poster

Printed poster outlining details of Private Fostering - what it is and how to notify us so we can help keep children safe and support families.

Private Fostering poster (PDF)

Size: 3.17 MB

Private Fostering - 7-minute briefing

Powerpoint presentation for briefing staff on Private Fostering, providing anwers to questions on why children are privately fostered and how to make arrangements.

Private Fostering - 7-minute briefing (PPTX)

Size: 104.54 KB

Private Fostering presentation - Somebody Else's Child

Powerpoint presentation helping viewers to recognise a private fostering arrangement and to understand the Local Authority’s duties towards privately fostered children.

Spotting the signs - sexual health assessment for under 18's

Form to be completed by health professionals delivering sexual health services to young people or if there are concerns regarding the risk of sexual exploitation.

Spotting the signs - sexual health toolkit guidance notes

A toolkit for professionals to identify risks of child sexual exploitation (CSE) in sexual health settings.

SSP Escalation Form- Appendix 1

Escalation stage one/two pro-forma asking for personal details and background information.

SSP Escalation Form- Appendix 1 (DOCX)

Size: 16.98 KB

Allegation management referral form

Form for the management of allegations against staff or volunteers who work with children.

Allegation management referral form (DOCX)

Size: 81.54 KB

Child exploitation initial screening tool

Tool to determine whether a child is at risk of criminal or sexual exploitation and to assist with decision making and may support a referral.

SSP multi-agency child protection conference report form

Form asking for personal details in support of a child's development needs, parenting needs and environmental factors.

Child protection case conference - parents report

Form asking for personal details in support of a child's development needs, parenting needs and environmental factors.

Early help record of assessment

Children, families and community health consent to share information record.

Understanding the child protection process for parents

A guide for parents with learning
disabilities, explaining the steps through the child protection process.

COVID-19 - Information for volunteers

Information to help volunteers keep themselves and others safe while carrying out volunteer work, in relation to COVID-19.

Safeguarding for volunteers - what to look for and what to do if you are worried

Powerpoint presentation outlining types of abuse and how to respond. Includes video links and training tools.

Data protection presentation

Powerpoint presentation taking approximately 30 minutes and providing training on all aspects of Data Protection.

Data protection presentation (PPTX)

Size: 151.68 KB

Preventing trafficked children going missing - information and advice for professionals

Document from CTAC giving advice to assist professionals when foreign national children who are at risk or have been trafficked are taken into the
care of a local authority.

Modern slavery guidance

Series of documents providing advice and guidance and steps to follow regarding modern slavery.

Modern slavery briefing (PDF)

Size: 188.92 KB

Modern slavery duty to notify (PDF)

Size: 96.04 KB

Modern slavery poster (PDF)

Size: 216.22 KB

The Right Help at Right Time Guidance

A guide to assessing levels of need and identifying the most appropriate support for children and families. Updated February 2024.

The Right Help at Right Time guidance (PDF)

Size: 1.64 MB


Size: 89.2 KB

Serious case review final reports

Published reports arising from serious case reviews in accordance with the national guidance set out in Working Together to Safeguard Children 2018.

Thematic review - parents with a mental health problem

Document taken from the NSPCC serious case review repository based reviews published since 2013, where the mental health problems of parents were a key factor.

SSP neglect framework and practice guidance

Professionals should use this practice guidance when working with families where there are concerns about neglect. Latest version August 2023/25.

Neglect screening tool

Screening tool to be completed by professionals to assist in evidencing neglect concerns. Updated February 2024.

Neglect screening tool (DOCX)

Size: 57.86 KB

SSP graded care profile FAQs

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership adopted Graded Care Profile 2 (GCP2) tool to assess family situations where there is possible or potential neglect. Updated September 2020.

SSP graded care profile FAQs (DOC)

Size: 317.5 KB

Multi-agency standards for children in need

Comprises the child in need practice document and a guide to compiling chronologies. Part of framework to deliver continuous improvement in safeguarding practice. Updated October 2023.

Multi-agency standards for children in need (PDF)

Size: 799.21 KB

SSP chronology guidance (DOC)

Size: 324 KB

SSP chronology template (DOCX)

Size: 84.9 KB

Adolescent neglect - briefing for professionals

This briefing is aimed at improving knowledge, understanding and confidence around identifying and responding to adolescent neglect.

Swindon AIM3

Series of documents supporting the referral process in relation to children and young peoples sexual behaviours.

AIM3 referral pathway process (DOCX)

Size: 178.16 KB

AIM3 assessment process flow chart (DOCX)

Size: 26.32 KB

AIM3 referral form - January 2023 (DOCX)

Size: 20.26 KB

AIM3 intervention framework (DOCX)

Size: 18.88 KB

AIM3 under 12s overview (DOCX)

Size: 17.22 KB

AIM3 supervision process flow chart (DOCX)

Size: 23.95 KB

Care of girls and women living with female genital mutilation (FGM) - clinical handbook

This clinical handbook is based on the WHO Guidelines on the management of health complications from female genital mutilation, 2016.

Forced marriages, honour based abuse and FGM training

Powerpoint presentation covering all aspects of FGM including statistical data.

FGM multi-agency guidance

Guidance for all front line practitioners and volunteers who work with children and young people aged 0-18, and for groups who work with the parents of children.

FGM multi-agency guidance (PDF)

Size: 474.08 KB

Covid-19 information for professionals

Information for staff from across the partnership about how we are managing the impact of the pandemic on service delivery.

Parent and carers guide to consent and harmful sexual behaviour

Downloadable documents split by age range. Published December 2021.

#LookCloser programme of learning for partners

The Children’s Society’s Prevention Programme's virtual Programme of Learning during Child Exploitation awareness weeks in March 2022.

Community conversations poster

About community conversations events in Swindon.

Community conversations poster (PDF)

Size: 1.06 MB

Risk outside the home (ROTH) newsletter

All published SSP newsletters for professionals with an interest in risk outside the home (ROTH).

Early help plan review - April 2022

Early help assessment and plan for parents, young people and their families.

Early help plan review - April 2022 (DOCX)

Size: 50.38 KB

Practice learning brief - Local case review - Child Y

Local case review practice brief document. Published April 2022.

Agenda for ROTH - initial and review

Agenda with welcome and future proposals for ROTH meeting.

Agenda for ROTH - initial and review (PDF)

Size: 261.16 KB

Guide to a good ROTH plan

Contributions to producing the plan and identifying worries.

Guide to a good ROTH plan (PDF)

Size: 390.69 KB

Child's whats' happening form

A tool for children and young people.

Child's whats' happening form (DOCX)

Size: 172.67 KB

Parents whats' happening form

Tool for parents and carers.

Parents whats' happening form (DOCX)

Size: 171.49 KB

Professionals whats' happening form

Tool for professionals.

Professionals whats' happening form (DOCX)

Size: 159.4 KB

ROTH meeting child feedback form

Form to tell us what might help us to improve the experience of young people when they attend the ROTH meeting.

ROTH meeting child feedback form (DOCX)

Size: 33.95 KB

ROTH meeting parent carers feedback form

Form to tell us what might help us to improve the experience of parents and carers when they attend the ROTH meeting.

ROTH meeting professionals feedback form

Form to tell us what might help us to improve the experience of professionals when they attend the ROTH meeting.

ROTH multi-agency contribution form

Multi-agency risk outside the home form to be shared and completed before ROTH meetings.

ROTH meeting frequently asked questions

List of questions and answers relating to Risk Outside the Home (ROTH) meetings.

CDOP newsletter

Swindon and Wiltshire child death overview panel newsletters.

CDOP newsletter - Autumn 2022 (PDF)

Size: 687.16 KB

CDOP newsletter - March 2022 (PDF)

Size: 369.99 KB

CDOP newsletter - Autumn 2021 (PDF)

Size: 681.6 KB

CDOP newsletter - Spring 2021 (PDF)

Size: 504.52 KB

CDOP annual report

Swindon and Wiltshire child death overview panel (CDOP) annual report.

Defining and Responding to Adolescent Neglect

SSP 7 minute brief Adolescent Neglect - November 2023

Identification of Neglect - What is Neglect

Top Tips to capture the voice of the child

The Cycle of Change - Stages of Change

Courageous Conversation

Courageous Conversation (PDF)

Size: 512.6 KB

Swindon day in my life

Question sheets for Neglect content.

Neglect awareness

Neglect awareness (PPTX)

Size: 7.02 MB

SSP chronology documents

Comprises the chronology guide and chronology template. Updated October 2023.

SSP chronology guidance (DOC)

Size: 471 KB

SSP chronology template (DOCX)

Size: 84.93 KB

HOTH Steam event December 2024

HOTH integrated approach presentation held at STEAM.

HOTH Steam event December 2024 (PDF)

Size: 4.1 MB