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Record details

Course name Mental capacity assessment and best interests decision making (session 1)
Course dates and times


  • 7 November 2024


  • 10.30am to 12.00pm


Course information

This course will be presented online via MS Teams.

Please note: This session will be recorded.

Mental capacity is a recurring theme in local safeguarding reviews for children and adults.

This is the first of four sessions, which focus on particular topics relating to mental capacity.  

The session will be relevant to frontline practitioners working with children, families and adults.

The session is practice focussed. You will develop knowledge in relation to completing Mental Capacity assessments and Best Interests Decision making:

  • To develop understanding of the principles of the MCA
  • To be able to identify salient factors relevant to the decision
  • To be able to identify what to document to ensure that assessments are legally robust.
  • To understand how to complete a best interests decision and how to document this.

The session is being facilitated by Leona McCalla, Deputy Associate Director of Safeguarding, Named Professional for Safeguarding Adults, Deprivation of Liberty and Mental Capacity Act Lead, Great Western Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.



Booking information

To book on this course, use the link below: