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| Children and young people
Children and young people
Information on Children and young people
- Types of abuse
- Bullying
- Cyberbullying
- Staying safe online
- Help and support
- Sexual exploitation
- Request for help and support guidelines and contact information
- Domestic abuse
- Forced marriage and honour-based violence
- Human trafficking and modern slavery
- Online safety
- Private fostering
- Sexual health toolkit
- Housing advice
- Advocacy for families
- Guide to the child protection system
- Home alone: Keeping your child safe
- The Right Help at the Right Time
- Swindon Safeguarding Partnership and South West Child Protection Procedures - Protocol for children and families moving across local authority boundaries or abroad
- Being in care
- Comments and complaints
- Drugs and alcohol
- Gallery
- Sex: Worth talking about
- Guide to child protection
- Child deaths
- Female genital mutilation (FGM)
- Harmful sexual behaviour
- Neglect
- Local Child Safeguarding Practice Reviews and Case Learning leaflets
- Sharing information about children, young people and their families
- Report a concern
- Child sexual exploitation
- Help and support
- Internet safety
- Safeguarding unborn babies, under 1’s and working with fathers
- Harm outside the home