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Multi-agency training programme 2025-2026
Swindon Safeguarding Partnership (SSP) is pleased to announce the launch of a new training programme and style for the 2025-2026 year.
This training will now be modular and consist of both core and specialist training modules. These core and specialist modules are detailed below, along with further detailed information about the training programme and how it will work.
Please note: Places on SSP/CSP training will be prioritised for those professionals working with children, families and adults in Swindon.
If you do not meet this criteria and wish to attend our training, please email before booking your place.
If you book a place and do not meet this criteria, we reserve the right to remove your booking/place on a course.
Basic training
For those who need a more basic level of safeguarding knowledge (for example, administrators, receptionists, health care assistants) this training should be provided in-house by each agency for each of adult safeguarding, child safeguarding and domestic abuse.
Core modules – Safeguarding training for practitioners
For those that need an advanced knowledge of safeguarding (for example, nurses, doctors, social workers, the police, firefighters, paramedics, teachers and early years practitioners), we will provide locally-focussed core modules on the key learning that practitioners will only be able to gain from a local teaching programme.
This may be supplemented by online learning and in-house teaching, but all agencies should enable their relevant staff to attend the following core modules.
Please note, some modules are still in development or being commissioned and are therefore not currently available to book. All available module title link through to their respective information page. (For the purposes of health, all of these modules are at Level 3.)
Safeguarding both adults and children core modules
Safeguarding children core modules
- Family Safeguarding: Thresholds, Duties and Family's Rights
- Identifying safeguarding concerns and making referrals
- Threshold framework - Right help at the right time
- Early help conversation and plan
- Learning from case reviews and audits
Safeguarding adults core modules
- Learning from reviews and audits
- Spotlight on self-neglect: Policy into practice
- Identifying safeguarding concerns and making referrals
- Screening, section 42 enquiries, planning meetings, adult safeguarding plans
- Legal Training 2 - Best-interest decisions, self-neglect, DoLS and court of protection
- Safeguarding and self-neglect/hoarding
Specialist modules
The following modules are intended for those who will require these skills within their practice.
Safeguarding both adults and children specialist modules
The following specialist modules will be offered that cover both adult and child safeguarding where possible.
- Safer recruitment - Please note the SSP is no longer offering this course. If you wish to access this training we would suggest you review courses available via the NSPCC for those working with children and young people:
- Non-education: Safer recruitment training: online & in-person | NSPCC Learning
- Education: Safer recruitment training for schools | NSPCC Learning
- For those working with adults – further information is available via Safe Recruitment Process - ACT ( or Introduction to safer recruitment practices | NCVO
- Safeguarding supervision
Safeguarding children specialist modules
- Keeping safe online and cyber exploitation
- Conference – mock conference. This course is not currently available. If you wish to observe a child protection conference, please contact to arrange this.
- Managing allegations
- Child exploitation
- Working with neglect
- Working with resistant families
- Recognising and responding to child sexual abuse
- Understanding and working with children and young people who are undiagnosed or have a diagnosis of autism
- Supporting and exploring child development - Module 2
- Supporting and exploring child development - Module 3
Safeguarding adults specialist module
Domestic abuse modules
Other courses
- Childminders - Identifying safeguarding concerns and making referrals
- #LookCloser Programme of Learning October 24 to March 25
- Motivational interviewing and communication skills
- Practitioner forum
- Children looked after and care experienced young people: who are they and what are their needs, and how best to support them
- Writing outcome focused plans
- Self-neglect: Virtual conference hosted by B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire
- Caused enquiries
- Mental capacity assessment and best interests decision making (session 1)
- Deprivation of liberty, restriction/restraint and the court of protection (session 2)
- Mental Capacity Act and 16 and 17 year olds (session 3)
- Executive dysfunction and fluctuating mental capacity (session 4)