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SSP Newsletter - 22 May 2023
Published: Tuesday, 23rd May 2023
Latest edition of our regular round-up newsletter.
Swindon Safeguarding Partnership news
Domestic Abuse
Publication of Domestic Abuse and Safe Accommodation Strategies 2021-24
Domestic abuse lived experience survey
Have your say on the domestic abuse lived experience survey.
Sexual Violence Awareness Week
Today marks the start of Sexual Violence Awareness Week and the launch of the national NHS Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) campaign.
Children and young people news
Parents webinar on child exploitation and county lines in Swindon
Join a panel of experts in a live webinar to learn more on Monday, 21 March 2020.
Policies and publications news
Spot the signs’ campaign to raise awareness of child criminal exploitation launched
Young people, their families and friends are being urged to ‘Spot the Signs’ of child criminal exploitation.