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Record details

Course name Screening, section 42 enquiries, planning meetings, adult safeguarding plans
Course dates and times
  • 13th October 2025 0930-1630
Course information

Aims to provide delegates with an advanced knowledge of safeguarding and the skills required to work together within local processes for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of adults in complex and challenging situations.

The training will equip practitioners to understand the context and their responsibilities when safeguarding adults at risk.

We recommend completing the ‘adult identifying safeguarding concerns and making referrals’ module completing this module.

Target group

This is suitable for staff in a wide variety of frontline practice roles across a range of agencies within the safeguarding partnership. In particular it is valuable for those who come into contact with people at risk and need to signpost or refer them on to appropriate services.

Aims and objectives

  1. To explore the screening process, S42 enquiries, planning meetings and adult safeguarding plans and how they are configured locally.
  2. To demonstrate knowledge and use of relevant legislation and local procedures (including issues on information sharing, consent and capacity) when making decisions and assessing risk to safeguard adults at risk.    
  3. To describe the skills for critical thinking and professional curiosity when assessing risk and enquiring into abuse.
  4. To identify the skills and knowledge required by professionals when responding and undertaking enquiries into abuse, particularly enquiry actions, interviewing skills and report writing.
  5. To be able to explore the principles of Making Safeguarding Personal, information sharing and capacity when responding to safeguarding concerns ensuring the voice of the service user/carer (as appropriate is documented).
  6. To be able to explain how to respond to allegations against staff/persons in a position of trust.  

Course materials

Attendees need to download the workbook and handout well in advance of the course in order to complete the pre-course work and for reference during/after the course.



This charge will apply if your agency is required to pay.

More information about fees and whether your agency is required to pay: Training programme information and frequently asked questions

Booking information

To book a place on this course, please click on the link below:

Course evaluation

After attending the course, please click on the link below to complete a course evaluation form: