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Record details

Course name Spotlight on self-neglect: Learning from reviews
Course dates and times

Dates: 1 July 2024

Time: 9.30am to 1.30pm

Face-to-face event

Course information

"Don’t judge me by the chapter you have walked in on. I have a past and a future and not defined by my current situation”.  Quote from Experts by Experience.

Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) conducted in Swindon have highlighted that professionals face a big challenge in identifying and taking timely action on self-neglect.

This is an opportunity to find out more about:

  • learning themes from local SARs and second SAR national analysis
  • what is happening locally in response to this learning
  • resources for professionals to support identification of self-neglect and reflection on key learning themes
  • building confidence when assessing and evidencing self-neglect concerns and working with the person and their support networks

This event is relevant for all frontline professionals and managers who work with adults.


Free event

Booking information

Places are limited so please register your interest in attending this event using the link below:

Spotlight on self-neglect: Learning from reviews

We will make every effort to accommodate your attendance and will confirm two weeks prior to the event if you have been allocated a place. 

Course evaluation

After attending the course, please complete the following course evaluation form:

  • to be confirmed