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Report a concern

If you are concerned an adult may be at risk or is experiencing abuse and neglect, you can make a referral in the following ways.

Police out-of-hours contact

To report a crime or raise a concern about abuse with Wiltshire Police, you can phone the non-emergency number on 101.

If someone is in immediate danger you should always dial 999.

Adult Safeguarding Team

You can report a safeguarding concern about an adult at risk of, or experiencing harm.

Tel: 01793 463555
E-mail: during office hours - Monday to Friday.

Out-of-hours emergency duty service

The emergency duty service is only for reporting safeguarding concerns that require urgent action out of normal working hours. Any other concerns should be forwarded to the Adult Safeguarding Team at, which will be processed the next working day.

Tel: 01793 436699


For professionals, Swindon Safeguarding Partnership has developed a Threshold of Needs E-Guidance where professionals who are considering making a safeguarding referral can use to help guide and support whether the reason/incident they are considering referring meets the eligibility criteria.

This Safeguarding Adults Threshold Guidance assists professionals in assessing the seriousness and level of risk associated with Safeguarding Adults concerns and supports the decision making on how to report these concerns. Swindon Safeguarding Partners have agreed this guidance and it will form part of safeguarding training and decision making across all agencies.

Understanding of thresholds will increase the consistency of Adult Safeguarding responses and enable the Swindon Safeguarding Partnership to manage different levels of safeguarding concerns proportionately and effectively.

This guide contains lists of examples to support professionals in their decision-making on the best course of action; the lists are not exhaustive and the guidance does not replace professional judgement.

Useful resources