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ICON week - 23 to 27 September 2024

Published: Monday, 23rd September 2024

Supporting ICON week; a programme aimed at helping people caring for babies to cope with crying.

You will be aware that safeguarding unborn babies and children under 1 has been a strategic priority for us over the last few years and we are asking you to support ICON week; a programme aimed at helping people caring for babies to cope with crying.

Research indicates that some parents and carers may lose control when faced with persistent infant crying, potentially leading to severe outcomes such as shaking a baby—a tragic consequence of Abusive Head Trauma (AHT). AHT results in catastrophic brain injuries, which can lead to death or long-term health and learning disabilities.

ICON is a UK-wide programme aimed at educating health and social care professionals, parents, and carers about infant crying, effective coping strategies, and how to prevent AHT. The third annual ICON Week, running from 23 to 27 September 2024, seeks to raise awareness about these issues and support families in managing stress related to infant crying.

The ICON programme is built around a simple, evidence-based acronym:

  • I Infant crying is normal
  • C Comforting methods can help
  • O It’s ok to walk away
  • N Never, ever shake a baby

Babies often begin to cry more frequently around two weeks of age, peaking between 6-8 weeks. During ICON Week, participating organisations will promote these messages to normalise infant crying and provide practical coping techniques for parents.

ICON has now been commissioned across BSW and although this programme targets health and social care professionals, anyone working with parents can share these messages with them and help in keeping babies safe.

To help you in supporting ICON week attached is a poster that can be downloaded for display and shared, and a communication toolkit which includes social media posts and other resources for use.  

More information about ICON and a wealth of resources are available on the ICON Cope website.

The following documents may also provide further support: