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What is Prevent?

The focus of Prevent is on the significant threat posed by international terrorism and those in the UK who are inspired by it. But it is also concerned with reducing threats, risks and vulnerabilities posed by domestic extremists such as those from the far right and far left, extreme animal rights activists and those involved in Northern Irish related terrorism.

Prevent is supported by three objectives:

  • Responding to the ideological challenge of terrorism and the threat we face from those who promote it (ideology)
  • Preventing people from being drawn into terrorism and ensure that they are given appropriate advice and support (individuals)
  • Working with sectors and institutions where there are risks of radicalisation which we need to address (institutions)

Department of Education guidance

Safeguarding referrals: channel and Prevent case management

One of the key requirements of the Prevent Duty is that staff know how to identify people at risk of radicalisation or extremism and the safeguarding pathways they should use. If you are concerned that an individual may be at risk of radicalisation, you should treat this as you would any other safeguarding issue; and escalate it using your normal, internal procedures, such as informing your safeguarding lead and/or LADO. View the right help at the right time guide for more information on making a referral in these circumstances.

If a referral is then made to the Prevent team, and it is determined that there are concerns around radicalisation and violent extremism in relation to the referred individual, they can be supported through either Channel or Prevent case management processes.


What is Channel?

Channel is an early intervention multi-agency process designed to safeguard vulnerable people from being drawn into violent extremism and/or terrorism. Channel works in a similar way to other safeguarding partnerships such as case conferences for children in need.

Channel is a pre-criminal process that is designed to support vulnerable people at the earliest possible opportunity, before they become involved in illegal activity.

Who can make a referral to Channel?

Referrals to Channel come from a wide range of partners including education, health, youth offending teams, and social services. When referrals are received, they are screened for suitability by the police and Council Prevent teams. If a referral is considered to be suitable, it will be discussed at the Channel Panel meeting.

How does Channel work?

Each Channel Panel is chaired by a Local Authority and brings together a range of multi-agency partners to collectively assess the risks in relation to an individual and decide whether a support package is needed. The panel may include statutory and non-statutory partners, as well as lead safeguarding professionals.

If the panel feels that an individual who has been referred would benefit from support, a bespoke package of support will be tailored for that individual, based on their particular needs and circumstances.

When an individual is referred to Channel, the referrer, or an appropriate person from the referring institution, will be invited to attend the Channel Panel meeting. Similarly, other professionals who are working with an individual will also be invited to attend. This partnership approach ensures that the people who work most closely with vulnerable individuals, and who best understand their specific needs and risks have a key role to play in developing support packages for them.


If you concerned that a child, young person and/or their parents may hold extremist views or are at risk of being radicalised you have a duty to ensure that they receive support to protect them from being drawn into terrorism.