Multi-agency safeguarding arrangements
Swindon Safeguarding Partnership
The Swindon Safeguarding Executive has been established to oversee the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Arrangements for children and adults at risk in response to the recent government guidance Working Together 2023.
The delegated partners on the Executive are:
Swindon Borough Council (SBC)
- Claire Deards, Corporate Director Integrated Adult Social Care (DASS)
- Lisa Arthey, Corporate Director for Children
Wiltshire Police
- Assistant Chief Constable, Mark Cooper
BaNES, Swindon & Wiltshire Integrated Care Board (ICB)
- Gill May, Chief Nurse – Partnership Chair
The safeguarding partners in Swindon are committed to a partnership model that focuses on continuous learning and improvement with a clear line of sight on frontline safeguarding practice. The partners will promote a shared commitment to work together to improve outcomes for children and adults at risk.
The Swindon Safeguarding Partnership will support, enable and challenge each other to work together to:
- provide effective and informed leadership to the local safeguarding system
- deliver their shared responsibility for the safeguarding of children, young people and adults at risk in the borough
- promote positive working relationships with each other and children, adults and families
- identify and act on learning
- provide assurance to the Swindon community
The Swindon Safeguarding Partnership believes that effective safeguarding is founded on practitioners developing lasting and trusting relationships with the children and adults they work with as well as each other. The Partnership will look beyond organisational constraints and boundaries to build a culture which improves outcomes for all.
The partnership has agreed a behaviours framework that promotes and delivers: accountability, openness, trust, innovation, commitment, respectfulness,
curiosity and collaboration.
To find out more about the work of the SSP and publications, see the links below: