Everyone has a responsibility for protecting and safeguarding children, not just the ‘professionals’. If you are concerned about a child, you should report your concerns.
If a child is in immediate danger or left alone, you should contact the police or call an ambulance (Telephone 999).
If there is no obvious immediate danger, but you are still concerned about a child’s welfare and want to speak to someone for advice or information on this matter, you should telephone:
If you need to speak to someone
E-mail: Contactchildrenandfamilies@swindon.gov.uk
Telephone: 01793 464646 (during normal office hours which are 8.30am to 4.40pm Monday to Thursday, and 8.30am to 4.00pm Friday)
The Emergency Duty Service (EDS) is available outside office hours on 01793 466900
Wilshire Police 101 or 999
Internet safety
For information on protecting Children and Young People online, please view the Internet Safety page
Have you seen or heard something unsuitable for children? ParentPort is run by the UK’s media regulators and enables you to make a complaint about a programme on TV or online, a film, an advert, a video game or something in a magazine. For further information please visit
ParentPort website.
Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC)
The New Swindon Sanctuary is a dedicated centre to support victims of sexual assault throughout Wiltshire, whether they are men, women or children. Its trained professionals can provide immediate medical care, a forensic examination, counselling and onward referral. The service is available, whether or not you wish to have Police involvement.
Private Fostering
Children who are cared for on a full-time basis by people who are not their parents or a relative may be in private foster care. Private foster care occurs when a child under 16 (or under 18 if disabled) is cared for, and provided with accommodation, by an adult who is not a relative, for 28 days or more, by private arrangement between parent and carer. For further information, please view the Private Fostering page
Swindon Advocacy Movement
Swindon Advocacy Movement provides a free independent accessible advocacy service to empower people with learning disabilities in Swindon. The documents below are pdf documents that explain this in more detail, along with a document on understanding the child protection process:
The below video is recommended viewing for professionals working with parents with learning difficulties. The video, produced by Swindon Advocacy Movement, provides a useful insight into how parents with learning difficulties experience the child protection process: