SSP Training Courses Charter
The safeguarding partners in Swindon are committed to a partnership model that focuses on continuous learning and improvement with a clear line of sight on frontline safeguarding practice.
The partners will promote a shared commitment to work together to improve outcomes for children and adults at risk.
Delegates will:
- only attend training that you have booked on via the SSP website and you have received confirmation that you have secured a place. It is the delegate’s responsibility to ensure they have kept a note of the course date and entered this into their calendar. The SSP SSU will not send reminders.
- ensure they do not forward the joining instructions or virtual meeting links to others unless this has been previously agreed with SSU SSP
- cancel your place via the automated booking process or notify via email as soon as possible if you have booked a place and are subsequently unable to attend. This will allow the place to be offered to other delegates. If notification is not received within the specified time period (usually ten working days) or you fail to attend the course, cancellation charges may apply.
- familiarise yourself with the information provided in the joining instructions prior to attending the training. The email will be sent from at least one week prior to the date of the training session. Please check your junk/spam folder.
- attend the course for its duration and participate in the session. Ensure you have the appropriate IT equipment available to you for example, a camera or a microphone. You will need to have your camera on during the training session. Please confirm on your booking form or email if you do not have access to these.
- complete the SSP evaluation form on conclusion of the course
If you require a certificate confirming your attendance on the course this can now be downloaded from the SSP website. Further guidance about how to do this together with the required password will be available once you have submitted your evaluation form.
It is recommended that this is done as soon as possible post course to ensure you can access it in a timely way.
SSP Strategic Support Unit
SSP Strategic Support Unit will:
- agree course dates with trainers
- add course details to SSP website
- respond to delegate enquiries
- administer course bookings, including sending out joining instructions
- publish pre-course and post-course materials on SSP website for delegates to access
- provide notification within agreed notice period if course is to be cancelled or postponed
- provide trainer with delegate register prior to course
- provide information collated from the evaluation forms to the trainers within three weeks of course being delivered
The trainer will:
- confirm course dates with SSP Strategic Support Unit (SSU)
- develop and review course materials - please include SSP logo on materials
- provide resources to SSU in advance of the course for these to be saved onto the SSP website. Please advise if you wish these to be password protected.
- provide the SSU with the virtual meeting link (if setting up your own meeting) at least six weeks prior to the course being delivered
- deliver the course
- mark delegates present on the course register and return to SSU within three working days of the course being delivered
- enusre only delegates who have booked a place on the course attend the training. If a delegate attends who is not listed on the attendance sheet please record their name, organisation and email address and notify SSU at It is the discretion of the trainer to consider whether it is appropriate for that delegate to remain on the training.
- encourage delegates to complete the evaluation form. This is now on MS Forms and the link will be provided to trainers and will also be available on the SSP website.
- respond promptly to requests from SSU
- provide invoices on a monthly basis to SSU for payment, if payment is required for commissioned services. If this is not possible, please liaise with SSU to discuss and agree a timeframe.
There will be observation of the training sessions by members of the SSP Learning and Development Group. Notification will be provided for the date of the observed session. The feedback from this observation will be provided to the trainer.