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Early intervention, youth and community strategy

We are responsible for publishing the Early Intervention, Youth and Community Strategy (PDF), which sets out the Early Help Approach and priorities for Early Intervention. 

Swindon’s Early Help Model has a three-pronged approach of Child First, Think Family and Community, providing the widest and most holistic support for children and young people, recognising them as the priority. 

Our ten supporting family outcomes are essential Early Help areas of need that when addressed will help reduce the number of children who are presenting at statutory level of need including Children Looked After, homelessness, those presenting in the Youth Justice Service and those requiring an Education Health Care Plan. 

We have six early intervention, youth and community partnership priorities which are:

  • domestic abuse
  • sexual abuse
  • physical abuse
  • harm outside the home
  • SEND and family dysfunction.

These are areas where data shows escalation leads to what can be perceived as intrusive interventions. We are committed to providing support with the lowest most appropriate help. 

Swindon’s Early Intervention support offer will provide information on the Early Intervention approach to additional support needs and various tools to support families at the right time with the right help. 

Finally our overall approach is held firmly by five essential and improving, fundamental pillars which will move us to a position of a mature Local Authority.

We will use robust data, upskill our workforce with a broad but purposeful training strategy, embed services in our communities, listen and hear hour children and families voices and greatly improve and retain leadership.

A graphic of the pillars can be accessed in the presentation slide below:

It is recommended that you also familiarise yourselves with the Early Intervention Youth and Community Strategy 2023-2027 (PDF).


If you have a question that is not covered in the above presentation or document, you can send your question to us and we will aim to respond to your query within four working days. 

Please give your feedback about the Early Intervention, Youth and Community Strategy by completing this feedback form.

About Early Intervention and Early Help Conversations

Early Intervention is an approach, not a service. It is a term used in Swindon for all services that work together to deliver early help to families. The Early Intervention approach is a graduated and proportionate response to need that focuses on “whole family” support, providing help as needs emerge so that families are supported to become resilient and the challenges they face do not escalate unnecessarily.

In Swindon we have Early Help Conversations with families to ensure that they have access to the right help at the right time to meet need and improve outcomes. The Early Help Conversation is recorded to consider the needs of a child and their family so that a Family Plan can be developed and implemented to ensure support is in place to meet need and improve outcomes. In Swindon we recognise that it is important to provide the right support to families at the right time to achieve change that lasts and we have established The Right Help at the Right Time Guidance (PDF).

Below are links to some of the relevant documents:

If you would like to find out more, you can attend the Early Help Conversation and Plan training. To find out more or to book a place, please visit Early help conversation and plan.

Further information is also available on the Local Offer website: Early help assessment and plan.