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Cross border protocol

Guidance focusing specifically on safeguarding responsibilities in relation to children who move across local authority borders. Latest version published August 2023.

Cross border protocol (PDF)

Size: 572.62 KB

Additional child protection procedures for disabled children

Guidance on additional procedures that safeguarding professionals need to follow when working with disabled children. Latest version published August 2022.

Disabled children: Intimate care guidance

Guidance for safeguarding professionals providing intimate care to disabled children. Complements additional guidance for working with disabled children. Latest version published March 2014.

Unborn baby protocol

Document providing practitioners with guidance to assist with decision making with pre-birth assessments and safeguarding referrals to children’s social care. Latest version published January 2022.

Unborn baby protocol (PDF)

Size: 1.17 MB

Unborn baby protocol - Appendices (DOCX)

Size: 99.95 KB

Multi-Agency Process for the Resolution of Professional Disagreements Relating to Safeguarding Protection of Children (Escalation Process)

Multi-agency policy on resolution of professional disagreements relating to the safeguarding and protection of children in Swindon (escalation process). Latest version published February 2024.

Example child protection policy for community organisations

Document providing a template for community organisations to create a child protection policy. Latest version updated June 2024.

Female genital mutilation (FGM): Multi-agency guidance

Guidance about FGM for practitioners and volunteers who work with children and young people and/or adults and for groups who work with the parents of children. Latest version published September 2022.

7 minute brief action plan

Template to complete when using a SSP 7 minute or learning briefing as a record.

7 minute brief action plan (DOC)

Size: 301 KB

Care Act independent advocacy in Section 42 enquiries

Briefing to discuss suspected adult needs for care and support if they are experiencing, or are at risk of abuse or neglect. Latest version published October 2020.

Capturing the voice of the child in records

Briefing that explains what we mean by the child’s voice, referring not only to what children say directly, but to many other aspects of their lives. Published June 2024.

Child protection conferences model

Briefing showing the required elements for moving towards a Family Safeguarding model. Latest version published October 2020.

Child protection conferences model (PPTX)

Size: 155.08 KB

Coercive control

Briefing outlining the term used to describe a pattern of behaviour which seeks to take away the victims sense of liberty or freedom. Latest version published April 2023.

Coercive control (PDF)

Size: 605.34 KB

Early help hub

Details about the Hub offering advice, support and direct interventions at the earliest point of identified need. Latest version published September 2020.

Early help hub (PPTX)

Size: 153.49 KB

Effective information sharing and consent

Briefing showing how effective information sharing underpins integrated working, a vital element of both early intervention and safeguarding. Latest version May 2021.

Harmful gambling

Briefing to help you recognise the signs and symptoms of harmful gambling and how it can affect young people. Latest version published September 2020.

Harmful gambling (PDF)

Size: 113.41 KB

Mental capacity act

Act designed to protect and empower individuals aged 16 and over to safeguard their human rights if they lack mental capacity to make their own decisions. Latest version published June 2024.

Mental capacity act (PDF)

Size: 612.38 KB

Multi agency child protection standards for safeguarding children

Briefing that provides a framework for professionals and families to understand how organisations work together to safeguard children. Latest version published May 2020.

Multi agency mental health audit

Briefing from the Swindon Safeguarding Partnership multi agency mental health audit. Latest version February 2021.

Multi agency mental health audit (PDF)

Size: 905.78 KB

Neglect framework and practice guidance

Briefing on the persistent failure to meet a child’s basic physical/psychological needs, resulting in serious impairment of the child’s health and development. Latest version published October 2020.

Rapid reviews

This briefing places a duty on local Safeguarding Partnerships to undertake a rapid review for serious child safeguarding cases. Latest version published May 2020.

Rapid reviews (PPTX)

Size: 116.5 KB

Resource pack - Professional Curiosity

Resource pack for sharing learning and improving practice. Latest version published January 2021.

Safeguarding adolescents resource pack

Resource pack for sharing learning and improving practice. Latest version published March 2021.


Briefing outlining the reasons for self-neglect, its complexity, its impact on a person’s health, wellbeing or living conditions and negative impact on others. Latest version published June 2024.

Self-neglect - 7-minute brief (PDF)

Size: 937.97 KB

Supporting vulnerable children and families during COVID-19

This briefing sets out key findings and recommendations, from a thematic analysis of Rapid Reviews, relating to serious child safeguarding
incidents. Latest version published May 2021.

Suspected bruising on children

Briefing outlining details about bruising, the most common presenting feature of physical abuse in children. Latest version published December 2020.

Suspected bruising on children (PPTX)

Size: 12.22 MB

Swindon advocacy movement brief

An independent charity offering a clear and consistent voice for the rights of people with care and support needs. Latest version published October 2020.

Swindon advocacy movement brief (PPTX)

Size: 1.56 MB

Swindon advocacy movement presentation

An independent charity offering a clear and consistent voice for the rights of people with care and support needs. Latest version published October 2020.

Swindon and Wiltshire sexual assault referral centre (SARC)

SARC is a safe place providing confidential practical and emotional support to anyone impacted by rape and serious sexual assault. Latest version published December 2020.

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Annual Report

Report published by three statutory partners responsible for putting in place effective arrangements to support activity to safeguard children, young people and adults with care and support needs.

Multi-agency policy and guidance on responding to self-neglect

Guidance, procedures and welfare and safety plan appendices for responding to self-neglect and hoarding concerns and enquiries in Swindon. Last updated June 2024.

Adult safeguarding and domestic abuse guide to support practitioners and managers

This guide sets out the overlaps between safeguarding and domestic abuse including approaches and legal frameworks.

Deciding if you need to raise a safeguarding concern

Process to follow if you are concerned that an adult is at risk of or is experiencing abuse or neglect.

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletters 2020-21

Newsletters available from May 2020 to end of 2021.

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 2 December 2021 (PDF)

Size: 911.6 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 27 October 2021 (PDF)

Size: 968.66 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 30 September 2021 (PDF)

Size: 931.8 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 19 August 2021 (PDF)

Size: 1.07 MB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 21 July 2021 - Ofsted issue (PDF)

Size: 733.68 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 1 July 2021 (PDF)

Size: 1004.23 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 27 May 2021 (PDF)

Size: 1007.94 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 6 May 2021 (PDF)

Size: 907.45 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 24 April 2021 (PDF)

Size: 772.68 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 24 March 2021 (PDF)

Size: 920.4 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 1 March 2021 (PDF)

Size: 688.03 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 9 February 2021 (DOCX)

Size: 724.34 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 12 January 2021 (DOCX)

Size: 364.05 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 9 December 2020 (DOCX)

Size: 180.72 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 17 November 2020 (PDF)

Size: 664.96 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 27 October 2020 (PDF)

Size: 544.91 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 5 October 2020 (DOCX)

Size: 321.58 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 23 September 2020 (DOCX)

Size: 98.12 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 10 September 2020 (PDF)

Size: 472.53 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 10 August 2020 (PDF)

Size: 462.98 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 27 July 2020 (PDF)

Size: 519.16 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 13 July 2020 (DOCX)

Size: 176.38 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 29 June 2020 (PDF)

Size: 705.28 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 15 June 2020 (PDF)

Size: 571.17 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 1 June 2020 (PDF)

Size: 545.15 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 18 May 2020 (PDF)

Size: 501.62 KB

Safeguarding adults easier to read guide

Document outlining what abuse is and what can you do to help stop it.

Safeguarding adults leaflet

Leaflet providing all you need to know about reporting abuse or neglect.

Safeguarding adults leaflet (PDF)

Size: 317.64 KB

Safeguarding adults in Swindon poster

Poster giving step by step guide to reporting abuse and making a referral.

Slavery and modern trafficking statement 2018

This plan details the overall strategy for the local response to referred individuals who may be survivors of human trafficking or modern slavery in Wiltshire and Swindon.

South West position of trust framework

A framework and process for responding to allegations and concerns against people working with adults with care and support needs.

Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) referral

MARAC referral form and DASH risk assessment checklist document. Latest versions published March 2022.

Swindon MARAC referral form (DOC)

Size: 80.5 KB

DASH risk assessment checklist (DOC)

Size: 216.5 KB

Understanding what constitues a safeguarding concern

Suggested multi-agency framework to support practice, recording and reporting.

Your guide to safeguarding in Swindon

This booklet tells you about the way we keep people safe from abuse.

Pan BSW Policy on Unsuspected Bruising or Injuries in Children who are not Independently Mobile

Policy on suspected bruising or unexplained injury in a child who is not independently mobile. Latest version published November 2022.

Bruising in Non-Mobile Infants leaflet

Information for parents and carers about bruising or injury on babies and children who are not independently mobile. Latest version published November 2022.

Forced marriage practice guidance

Guidance designed to provide professionals/ practitioners with information about responding to indications that a young person is at risk of a forced marriage. Latest version published September 2015.

Forced marriage practice guidance (PDF)

Size: 401.12 KB

Health Attendance at Strategy Discussions

Guidance for health professional’s attending/contributing to strategy discussions held under Swindon child protection procedures. Latest version published November 2022.

Multi-agency standards for safeguarding children

Document outlining the expectations of agencies and professionals who work with children who require a statutory child protection response. Latest version published August 2021.

Online safety social media policy

This guidance provides a building block for organisations to develop their own advice and guidance about social media safer working practice. Latest version published July 2018.

Online safety social media policy (PDF)

Size: 797.11 KB

Safeguarding discharge planning protocol

Support for multi-agency staff to make appropriate arrangements for the safe discharge and transfer of children and young people from acute hospital settings. Latest version published February 2023.

Think family practice guidance

Multi-agency practice guidelines for the assessment, support and case management of families. Latest version published March 2024.

Think Family Practice Guidance 2024 (PDF)

Size: 520.39 KB

Working with fathers - 7-minute brief

7-minute brief on the subject 'Working with fathers'. Published October 2021.

Safeguarding unborn babies - 7-minute brief

7-minute brief document on the subject 'Safeguarding unborn babies'. Published October 2021.

Practitioners guide to strategy discussions - 7-minute brief

7-minute brief document on the subject 'Practitioners guide to strategy discussions'. Published October 2021.

Adult safeguarding policy and procedures

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership's policy and procedures document for safeguarding adults. This version published October 2021.

Parents guide to online exploitation

Document providing information about how criminals use the internet to exploit children. Published November 2021.

Parents guide to online exploitation (PDF)

Size: 736.86 KB

Language practice briefs for those at risk of exploitation

SSP 7-miniute brief documents. Latest version published May 2022.

Safeguarding is for everyone - Know your role

SSP 7-miniute brief document. Published November 2021.

Making words matter - A practice knowledge briefing

Briefing on the importance of attending to language when working with children subject to or at risk of exploitation.

Safeguarding children – Oral Health

7-minute briefing detailing the causes of tooth decay, good practice, dental neglect and finding a dentist.

Self-neglect - Multi-agency resources for responding to self-neglect

Document extracted from 'Multi-agency policy and guidance on responding to self-neglect'. Updated December 2021.

Domestic abuse advice information help sheet November 2021

Contact information, telephone numbers and web addresses for services offering advice and support.

Adult carer awareness/Swindon Carers Centre support - 7-minute brief

7-minute brief document on the subject 'Adult carer awareness/Swindon Carers Centre support'. Published December 2021.

DSL handbook

Designated Safeguarding Lead handbook. Latest version published November 2021.

DSL handbook (DOCX)

Size: 672 KB

Education safeguarding policy template

Published December 2021.

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023

Summary of changes to national guidance. Published June 2023.

Child sexual abuse - Intra-familial sexual abuse, harmful sexual behaviour, peer-on-peer abuse and consent

Practice brief document. Updated September 2022. Updates relate to changes to child on child abuse (formerly known as peer on peer abuse) and learning from a local case review.

Risk outside the home - adopting a contextual safeguarding approach

7-minute briefing providing understanding and response to young people’s experiences of significant harm experienced beyond their families.

Swindon safety mapping exercise

Approach to safeguarding that supports practitioners to recognise and respond to the harm young people experience outside of the home.

Swindon safety mapping exercise (PDF)

Size: 1.22 MB

ROTH - Safety mapping and planning with young people in Swindon

This document can be used for safety planning with children, families and networks and has been adapted for use in Swindon. Published in January 2022.

Child Exploitation Risk Assessment Framework (CERAF)

Child Exploitation Risk Assessment Framework (CERAF) guidance document and form. Published January 2022.

CYP support referral form - Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service

Support referral form for children and young people to access the Swindon Domestic Abuse Support Service. Latest version published March 2022.

Whats happening tool

A tool to support parents and carers.

Whats happening tool (PDF)

Size: 274.82 KB

All around me tool

Tool for parents, carers and schools.

All around me tool (PDF)

Size: 181.7 KB

SSP practice brief - DASH risk identification checklist and MARAC

Briefing document on domestic abuse, stalking, harassment, honour-based violence (DASH) risk identification checklist (RIC) and multi-agency risk assessment conferences (MARAC). Published March 2022.

Support for adults in Swindon experiencing suicidal ideation

Documents aimed at staff working within agencies in Swindon and contains a summary of available help and support for adults who are experiencing suicidal ideation. Updated May 2022.

Risk outside the home - Toolkit of resources for professionals

Document providing resources for safeguarding professionals on risk outside the home (ROTH). Published March 2022.

Local child safeguarding practice review guidance

This guidance provides multi-agency safeguarding arrangements across Swindon with a framework for the commissioning and dissemination of learning.

Health Professionals Attendance at Child Protection Conferences Protocol

Proposal suggesting a change to current practice so that children living in Swindon, aged 5 and under, and made subject to a Child Protection plan, have the most appropriate health professional.

ROTH - framework template

Template for listing details of the young person who may be at risk outside the home.

ROTH - framework template (DOCX)

Size: 18.04 KB

Prevent duty

Powerpoint presentation for 7-minute briefings.

Prevent duty (PDF)

Size: 826.62 KB

Vulnerability and protective factors in pregnancy to early parenthood

A resource to support practitioners working with families from 0-5 years across BANES, Swindon and Wiltshire.

Perinatal mental health

7-minute briefing Power Point presentation for mental health support in Swindon. Latest version July 2022.

Perinatal mental health (PDF)

Size: 540.67 KB

Child Q - safeguarding practice review

7-minute briefing also highlighting the presence of 'adultification bias'.

Multi agency meeting guidance working with adults

Female genital mutilation policy - September 2022

SSP practice brief - Discriminatory abuse

Briefing document on discriminatory abuse. Published September 2022.

Right Help at the Right Time – PowerPoint Sept 2022

Right Help at the Right Time – PowerPoint Sept 2022 – with audio and presentation notes

SSP Parent Carer Resource Child Exploitation October 2022

SSP Practice brief - female genital mutilation October 2022

SSP practice brief - Modern slavery human trafficking national referral mechanism (NRM) - October 2022

SSP practice brief - Making a good referral

Swindon youth safety strategy - March 2022

Document which sets outs the foundations for a four year ambitious action plan.

SSP Practice Brief Adult Exploitation

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - December 2022

SSP action plan proforma

SSP action plan proforma (DOCX)

Size: 280.67 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 31 January 2023

SUDI 7 minute brief

SUDI 7 minute brief (PDF)

Size: 175.24 KB

SAR policy

SAR policy (PDF)

Size: 1.05 MB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 28 February 2023

Non fatal strangulation - March 2023

Non fatal strangulation - March 2023 (PDF)

Size: 691.61 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 22 March 2023

CYP action plan template

CYP action plan template (DOCX)

Size: 282.3 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 24 April 2023

Spotlight on Self Neglect and Hoarding Newsletter - May 2023

Counter Corruption Unit Wiltshire Police - 7 minute briefing May 2023

Adults large scale organisation abuse procedures May 2023

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 22 May 2023

Financial abuse and exploitation - May 2023

Open2Change referral form

Open2Change referral form (DOCX)

Size: 148.5 KB

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Newsletter - 26 June 2023

Domestic abuse within families - learning from reviews

Mental Capacity Act 16 to 17 year olds learning from reviews

CONTEST factsheet July 2023

CONTEST factsheet July 2023 (PDF)

Size: 96.11 KB

Trauma-informed practice learning from reviews - Practice brief

practice brief provides some useful information and links to resources for professionals and services to assist them to adopt a trauma-informed approach. Published August 2023.

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership newsletter - 8 August 2023

Issue 41 of the Swindon Safeguarding Partnership newsletter, published 8 August 2023.

SSP practice brief - Working with resistance or disguised compliance

This resource aims to address the complex issue of resistant behaviours including ‘disguised
compliance and non engagement’ to fully understand how it might present itself. Latest version July 2024.

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership newsletter - 25 October 2023

Issue 42 of the Swindon Safeguarding Partnership newsletter, published 25 October 2023.

Swindon carers centre - adult carer awareness - November 2023

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership newsletter - 11 December 2023

Issue 43 of the Swindon Safeguarding Partnership newsletter, published 11 December 2023.

SSP Safeguarding theme - keep warm stay safe - January 2024

SBC - Contact Swindon FAQs

Frequently asked questions about the service.

SBC - Contact Swindon FAQs (PDF)

Size: 172.32 KB

SSP Working Together event - 31 January 2024 leaflet

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership newsletter - 17 January 2024

Neglect Strategy 2024-2027

Neglect Strategy 2024-2027 (PDF)

Size: 815.21 KB

Causing enquiries guidance - April 2024

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership newsletter - 17 April 2024

Safeguarding unborn babies and under 1s presentations

Series of documents relating to safeguarding unborn babies and under 1's.

What happens after abuse and neglect is reported

This leaflet summarises the adult safeguarding role in Swindon.

What is abuse and neglect

Leaflet explaining the difference between abuse and neglect, adult safeguarding and types of abuse.

What is abuse and neglect (PDF)

Size: 116.28 KB

Top Tips on having courageous conversations

Document providing information to improve conversations, be prepared and motivational. Latest version published June 2024.

Top Tips from Swindon experts with experience

Document providing bulleted list of helpful tips. Latest version June 2024.

Presentation slides - Live Well

Case study on self-neglect from the Healthy Communities Manager, at Live Well Swindon. Latest version June 2024.

Presentation slides - Live Well (PDF)

Size: 720.1 KB

SSP Multi-agency Safeguarding Supervision Framework and Principles

Document aims to agree and establish key principles across all agencies and is aimed at all staff who work with children, young people, adults who are ‘at risk.

Early Intervention Youth and Community Strategy 2023-2027

Early Intervention Youth and Community Strategy to encompass the direction of Swindon’s
two-year Children's Services Improvement Plan.

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership newsletter - 1 July 2024

Example of completion of a Welfare and Safety Plan

Document providing top tips on using this tool from experts with experience. Latest version July 2024.

Hoarding support group leaflet

Leaflet showing dates of upcoming hoarding support group meetings and where they take place. Latest version for 2024-2025.

Hoarding support group leaflet (PDF)

Size: 617.3 KB