Children & Young People
Sexual Exploitation
What is Child Sexual Exploitation?
Child Sexual Exploitation is a crime and involves adults having power over children and young people and using this power to sexually abuse them. Sexual exploitation can happen in different ways. Sometimes it can seem 'consensual' which means that the child or young person agrees for it to happen. Sometimes the adult will give money, gifts, cigarettes or drugs to child in return for sex.
How much do you know?
Sexual exploitation can be difficult for anyone to recognise because often the person being abused may think that the abuser is their boyfriend or girlfriend and that they are in a good relationship. People who exploit children can use very clever ways to gain trust and then use this to get something in return. They may ask for you to have sex with them or with other people. They may ask for you to send sexual images or ask you to watch them doing something sexual. They may then threaten you or try to frighten you if you don't do what they ask.
It is important to look out for these warning signs and see if someone's behaviour towards you, or your friends, is not all that it seems to be.
Click below to see some animations created by the NSPCC and Childline to raise awareness of sexual exploitation
Getting some help
The most important thing to remember if this is happening is to tell someone. This could be anyone from your parents or a teacher or just someone that you trust. You can contact the police or speak to your social worker if you have one. If you want to get more information about what sexual exploitation is, there is lots of things online for you to look at.

Barnardo's have made a several leaflets for young people with advice about spotting the signs of sexual exploitation and how to keep you and your friends safe. Follow this link

Childline is the free helpline for children and young people in the UK. You can contact Childline by phone, e-mail, text or via a message board.

Expert advice from NSPCC advisors, who are all trained child protection officers.
0808 8005000