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Learning from case reviews and audits - Vulnerability of under 1s

Provides an opportunity to consider the learning themes identified in reviews and audits and to reflect on how this impacts on your practice.

The themes identified include:

  • Suspected injuries to mobile and non-mobile babies
  • Brief Unresolved Events
  • ICON (a programme that provides information about infant crying and how to cope)
  • Working with Fathers
  • Impact of COVID-19

Video length: 1 hour 34 mins

Additional resource:

Learning themes from safeguarding adult reviews and audits

This session will provide an opportunity to consider the learning themes identified in Safeguarding Adult Reviews and audits and to reflect on how this impacts on your practice. The themes identified include:

  • Mental Capacity Act
  • Risk Enablement Panel

Video length: 53 minutes

Additional resource:

Adolescent safeguarding learning event

In 2021, Dorset, Swindon and Wiltshire Local Authorities submitted a joint bid to the Department for Education to support the development of themed areas of work in relation to adolescent safeguarding. The themes related to:

  • Education as protection
  • Families
  • Reachable/teachable moments

Each area has been piloting innovative approaches to safeguarding adolescents using a contextual safeguarding evidence based response.

This recording will be an opportunity to find out more about the developmental work happening in each area, sharing of best practice and the learning so far.

Who is the event for? It is relevant to all professionals who are involved in safeguarding adolescents, working within the local authority areas of Dorset, Swindon and Wiltshire and the wider safeguarding partnerships.

Video length: 1 hour 54 minutes

Additional resource:

Swindon domestic abuse forum

This session on 4 November 2022 provided an opportunity for practitioners to receive updates on the following the work happening in Swindon regarding perpetrators.

The themes identified incude:

  • Wiltshire Police Anti-Corruption Unit
  • Update on Perpetrator work in Swindon
  • Update on Reprovide in Swindon and Wiltshire
  • Domestic Violence Perpetrator Programme (DVPP) and Behaviour Change in Swindon

Video length: Part 1 - 1 hour 37 minutes and Part 2 - 9 minutes

Additional resources:

Domestic abuse in tech-society

Please note: When viewing the opening screen, it may show Managing Allegations. Disregard this as it is the recording for the DA in Tech-Society webinar. 

The themes identified incude:

  • Raising awareness of the role technology has in exacerbating instances of domestic abuse
  • What is tech abuse?
  • Spot the signs/indicators someone is at risk through technology
  • Minimise the extent to which technology can be used against victims to cause harm
  • Role of professionals to support survivors of tech-abuse

Video length: 1 hour 35 minutes

Additional resources:

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)

The themes identified incude:

  • Improve understanding and knowledge of female genital mutilation, including the prevalence of FGM and barriers to reporting.
  • Examine professional roles and responsibilities for mandatory reporting of FGM.
  • Demonstrate knowledge regarding the use of Female Genital Mutilation Protection Orders (FGMPO’s)
  • To explain the local SSP procedure for resolving professional disagreements (Escalation Policy).

Video length: 1 hour

Additional resources:

SSP Conference

The theme of this event is exploitation of children and adults. The topics covered will be: 

  • the lived experience of those who have been exploited/carers of those who have been exploited
  • child exploitation/risk outside the home – Swindon approach
  • use of language and its impact on the professional response
  • learning from a local exploitation related safeguarding adult review 

Video length: Part 1 (before break) - 1 hour 37 minutes and Part 2 (after the break) - 1 hour 21 minutes

Additional resources:

Responding to and supporting victims of Hate Crime

This webinar, held on 12 October 2022, will be relevant to Wiltshire and Swindon professionals who may come into contact with people who may be vulnerable to Hate Crime. 

The objectives of the session are to: 

  • understand the types of Hate Crime and how to report it 
  • understand the known prevalence of Hate Crime in Wiltshire and Swindon 
  • raise awareness of the support services available to victims, their families and professionals 
  • understand your role in supporting people who have experienced Hate Crime 

This includes a reflection on a personal experience of Hate Crime and good practice from a local school on how hate speech is addressed in the classroom. 

Video length: 2 hours and 21 minutes.

Additional resources:

Serious and organised crime

Serious and organised crime can happen anywhere and in all parts of society.

Wiltshire Police are fully committed to tackling serious and organised crime however, they cannot do it alone. It is all our responsibility to identify it and report it.

This video will take you through 7 scenarios which shows various types of serious and organised criminality which you could come across in your roles. Hopefully this video will provide you with a greater understanding of the indicators and what action you can take.

If you believe you have any information in relation to serious and organised criminality, you can report it online to Wiltshire Police.

If the person is in immediate danger or if a crime has been committed, contact Wiltshire Police on 101. In an emergency, call 999.

Video length: Approximately 14 minutes.

Additional resources:

If safeguarding concerns are identified please refer to the following local guidance:

Once you have watched this video, please complete this short survey – it will take about a minute to complete. 

Spotlight on self-neglect and hoarding

This webinar held on 22 March 2023 focuses on self-neglect and hoarding. This is a learning theme frequently identified in both national and local SAR’s (since 2019).

It will be relevant to professionals across the safeguarding partnership who are in contact/visiting adults in the community.

The format of the session will include:

  • reflection on the learning in relation to self-neglect and hoarding identified in local SAR’s
  • the overview of relevant local Multi-agency policies, procedures and guidance implemented
  • case examples identifying good practice and multi-agency response

This provides an opportunity to reflect on how this learning impacts on your practice.

Video length: Part 1 - 53 minutes and Part 2 – 43 minutes

Please note correction: Live Well presentation – there may have been reference to a Psychologist being on the team it is in fact a Psychotherapist (who is qualified and accredited) but is referred to as a therapeutic specialist when discussing with clients.   

Additional resources 

Remembering Arthur and Star - recorded presentation

Health warning!

You may find some of the content of this session difficult due to the subject matter.

Please be aware that during this presentation we will be discussing issues which may have an impact on you. The presentation will feature real-life events where children were abused and subsequently died. 

If any of these issues upset you, or you have lived through an experience of abuse, you may not want to view all or parts of the session.   

Look after yourself and seek support available in your organisation. You can contact either your Line Manager, Human Resources, Care First or your Union.

About this webinar

This recording provides an opportunity for professionals to reflect on the learning themes from the national reviews into the deaths of Arthur and Star.

The overlapping learning themes from our local reviews will also be considered. 

Throughout this session there will be an opportunity to reflect on how this learning will impact on your practice.  

This recording will cover the following:

  • Summaries of the findings of the national review
  • How to apply the learning to local practice and key messages for Swindon
  • Consideration of whether this could happen in Swindon
  • Identifying how we apply changes to our own practice based on the learning from today, to improve outcomes for children in Swindon

It may be beneficial to discuss this as a team and complete some of the learning activities used in previous sessions.

Copies of the presentation, and relevant resources to assist you, are available below.


Your feedback on this resource is important to us and we would really appreciate your comments by completing this short form.

A certificate will not be provided but you will have the option of downloading your completed evaluation form responses for your records.

Additional resources:

Video length: 1 hour 52 minutes

Introduction to Wiltshire Police Counter Corruption Unit

This session on 5 July 2023 was presented by Wiltshire Police Counter Corruption Unit (CCU). 

There is currently a national spotlight on policing around sexual misconduct and corruption which significantly impacts on trust in the police. 

Professionals working with children, families and adults in Swindon will often be in a position to identify concerns of corruption and abusing positions of trust.

This session will be relevant to all professionals working across the safeguarding and community safety partnerships. 

The objectives of the session are to: 

  • explain the definition of police corruption and the role of CCU
  • identify the signs and indicators of police corruption
  • explore local case studies where partner agency information was key
  • help you understand how to report concerns 

Video length: 49 minutes

Additional resource:


Your feedback on this resource is important to us. We would be grateful if you could complete this short form.

Swindon Domestic Abuse Forum - June 2023

This session on 9 June 2023 provided an opportunity for practitioners to receive updates on the following the work happening in Swindon regarding domestic abuse.

The themes identified include:

  • trauma informed approaches in a health setting
  • the DART (Domtestic Abuse Recovering Together) programme  -  NSPCC 
  • domestic abuse in South Asian communities 
  • open2change perpetrator programme (SDASS)
  • non-fatal strangulation offence update 
  • predatory marriage presentation by Daphne Franks

Video length:

  • Part 1 -  1 hour and 6 minutes
  • Part 2 -  1 hour and 36 minutes

Part 1

Part 2

Additional resource:


Your feedback on this resource is important to us and we would really appreciate your comments. Please complete this short form

Swindon Domestic Abuse Forum - March 2024

This session on 1 March 2024 provided an opportunity for practitioners to receive updates on the following the work happening in Swindon regarding domestic abuse.

The themes identified include:

  • NSPCC ‘Speak Out Stay Safe Programme – Sarah Smith  NSPCC Schools Coordinator
  • Lived Experience Survey Preliminary Findings – Jo-Ann Smith  
  • Family Safeguarding Model Update 
  • Courts Process for Domestic Abuse Victims (Report findings) – Soroptimists 
  • Therapeutic Services for Victims of Sexual Violence and Assault - FearFree  
  • Update on Sixteen Days of Action – Lin Williams 

Video length:

  • Part 1 -  1 hour and 40 minutes
  • Part 2 -  30 minutes

Part 1

Part 2

Additional resources:


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Spotlight on child neglect - March 2024

This spotlight event held on 12 March 2024 focused on child neglect. This is a learning theme frequently identified in both national and local child reviews.
The themes covered were relevant to professionals from across the safeguarding partnership, working with children and families.

The format of the session included:

  • learning from reviews
  • Swindon Safeguarding Partnership response to child neglect 
  • childrens services update
  • experts by experience
  • the relationship between poverty and neglect


  • Professional curiosity
  • Having difficult conversations
  • Education – links to neglect

Below are the recordings for each session. They are separate recordings to allow you to review them individually or as a whole, which is recommended.

Welcome and learning from reviews – Part 1. Duration 33 minutes  

Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Response to Child Neglect - Part 2. Duration 17 minutes

Childrens Services update - Part 3. Duration 12 minutes

Experts by Experience and the Relationship between Poverty and Neglect - Part 4. Duration 48 minutes

Additional resources

Workshop recordings and presentations

Professional curiosity  

Video duration 28 minutes

Having difficult conversations

Video duration 28 minutes

Education – Links to neglect

Video duration 30 minutes


Your feedback on this resource is important to us and we would really appreciate your comments. Please complete this short form

Spotlight on self- neglect: Policy into practice – July 2024

This Spotlight event held on 9 July 2024 focused on the theme of self-neglect.

"Don’t judge me by the chapter you have walked in on. I have a past and a future and not defined by my current situation”.  Quote from Experts by Experience.

Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs) conducted in Swindon have highlighted that professionals face a big challenge in identifying and taking timely action on self-neglect.

This event is an opportunity to find out more about:

  • learning from Safeguarding Adult Reviews into practice
  • welfare and Safety Planning (identifying and assessing risk)
  • Swindon Safeguarding Partnership Multi-Agency Policy and Guidance on Responding to Self-Neglect
  • the voice of experts by experience
  • resources to support identification of self-neglect and reflection on key learning themes

This event is relevant for all frontline professionals and managers who work with adults.

Below are the recordings for each session. They are separate recordings to allow you to review them individually or as a whole, which is recommended.

Welcome, Learning from Reviews and remembering those from SAR’s – Part 1. Duration 40 minutes. 

Myth busting and self-neglect policy overview - Part 2. Duration 29 minutes

Introduction to Welfare and Safety Plan and Top Tips from Experts by Experience - Part 3. Duration 29 minutes.



Your feedback on this event and resources is important to us and we would really appreciate your comments.

Please complete the evaluation form below:

Children looked after and care experienced young people webinar

This webinar, held on 17 September 2024, focused on Children looked after and care experienced young people: who are they and what are their needs, and how best to support them. This is an awareness session and will be relevant to any professionals working with children looked after. For example, Police, CAMHS, GWH, Youth Services, Early Years settings, Youth Services, Youth Justice.

Aims and objectives:

  • To understand how children and young people become children looked after and care experience young people
  • To have a basic understanding of the legal framework including consent for example, different court orders that apply, parental responsibility
  • To have a greater understanding of the health needs of children looked after and care experienced young people including mental health
  • To understand how best to support children looked after
  • To understand the stigma children looked after and care experience young people face and how to address this

Below are the recordings for each session. They are separate recordings to allow you to review them individually or as a whole, which is recommended.

Part 1: Duration 46 minutes

Part 2: Duration 18 minutes

Additional resources


Your feedback on this event and resources is important to us and we would really appreciate your comments. Please complete the evaluation form below:

Introduction to family safeguarding model

This online event, held on 24 September 2024, was facilitated by Juliana Tomegea, Practice Lead Safeguarding. Swindon Children’s Services.

It was an opportunity to find out more about the Swindon Family Safeguarding Model and included information about:

  • what is different about the family safeguarding model 
  • working with families
  • working with professionals 
  • improving outcomes for children and families

Below is the recording for the session.

Video duration: 43 minutes.

Additional resources

Practitioner forum – child neglect

This was the first of the Safeguarding Partnership’s quarterly online practitioner forum.

It was an opportunity to meet and talk with frontline practitioners to gain your views on what is feels like to work across Swindon, to hear about practice and support is available or might be needed. For this session the theme was child neglect. 

Find out more about future sessions by visiting the Practitioner forum course webpage

Below is the recording for the session.

Video duration: 1 hour and 4 minutes.

Additional resources

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